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1 year ago
Btcspinner is a cheater and fraud site
Btcspinner is a cheater and fraud site They are stealing balance You are not making any payment Don t waste time on this site
1 year ago
Use the math against you
The earnings are distribuited like an S curve in the beginning are a lot from 800 to 1400 satoshi for click and they diminish always more when you reach the amoung of 70 the minium for withdrawal it s like 1 to 3 satoshi per win I got plotted the data of every session played Quite sad honestly They also mine using your browser it was used as marketing for a while in the early days 2017 but now they don t say it anymore Don t use it you ll never withdraw in less than 27 months of obsessive playing You could earn more while learning and using a lot of other opportunities in the crypto space Give value to your time
1 year ago
The website broke on purpose the withdrawal page since I was able to request it first before Now it will show 500 errors My emails are ignored and also the Twitter feed comments too At first the withdrawal limit was 10K satoshi Then they increased it to 100K and very quickly to 1M satoshi Although this is a huge amount to be earned in their site I managed to earn it but the next step was to disable withdrawal otherwsite they ll need to pay a lot to their users So my advice is don t waste your time and go to some legit BTC faucet site that will actually pay
Mehrdad Jz
1 year ago
Since i reached at 0 007btc
Since i reached at 0 007btc with every 100 spin i earn about 300 satoshi At first we used to earn about 8000 satoshi by 100 spin min withdrawal is 0 01btc and it takes about several years to reach at 0 01btc They daid that the spinner is prvabily fair but i do not think so but NOT ONLY THE MINIMUM WITHDRAWAL IS VERY HIGH AND UNACCESSABLE BUT ALSO EVERY WE GO HIGHER OUR EARNINGS FROM SPINNER BECOME LESS AND LESS at first i loved it but now with this cases they made me disappointed and also my family and friends that joined spinner honestly we ve decided to leave the SPINNER IO bcuz of this reasons Thank you all
accank ganteng
1 year ago
idiotidiot now you only get 1 satoshi BTC 1 satoshi chest 1 satoshi scratch 0 satoshi this happened after the satoshi I collected was close to 0 0049xxxxthis is their cheat trick satoshi s income is drastically reduced so that we can linger on their web and they take advantage of visiting their web don t waste your time hunters
henok teshome
1 year ago
dont waste you time
you will never make it the minimum withdraw whenever you earning increase the amount you get from spin is also decreased they waste peoples time
Wajira Lasantha Kumara
1 year ago
Big scam they don t let you get the
Big scam they don t let you get the btc After i reach 0 006 B balanne spiner stop working i try site support but they never reply I m stuck since then i don t know what they get fooling people like this
Silvia Maz cs
1 year ago
unfortunately you have to pay for it
unfortunately you have to pay for it not worth anything
meghdad m
1 year ago
This is a clear example of fraud
This is a clear example of fraud You make excuses when I want to withdraw
1 year ago
Still pay even though it s small
Still pay even though it s small The problem is that the domain expires in August 2021 what about accounts whose balance is not enough to withdraw Good luck who can withdraw
This is the first Bitcoin Game that brings coins for spinning Fidget Spinner.
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