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1 year ago
Waste of time and money
Thought I d give it a chance What a waste if time and money It s the same six fat chicks who demand you bend over backwards for them or shills They re the hot chicks who you spend the money on to contact but then don t even respond I m not a bad looking guy I m respectful and don t send dp s yet not even a thank but no thank you from these Ho s Avoid I still have three weeks on the membership but I m cancelling Also the site censors your profile heavily so ducking worried about offending someone
1 year ago
Banned me for no reason
Banned me for no reason Told me i had received warnings for what i did all i did was chat to someone i told them i couldn t see what i done wrong told them the whole convo i had for them to say sorry but we can t unban your account I got banned for no reason at all don t reccomend
1 year ago
Paid to join only to find you have to
Paid to join only to find you have to then pay again each time you message anyone Reckon this is as fake as so many other reviews say Complete waste of money
1 year ago
Could be sooo good but
Pure is made up of cam girls and sex workers A few Chinese living in Hong Kong and that s about it Had one chat with what appeared to be nice girl but never met up Had at least five sex workers contact me They move to kik or what s ap They want PayPal or cash cards up front One called me pretending to be in London clearly in an African country It s good fun bating them if you re bored but you know despite them sexy pictures they ll screw you over It s also appears full of late teens early 20s so no good for older person The app should tell you this before taking your money The idea is great However lack of all ages and people close by means it s a waste of money Why can t you find a site that has proper people of all ages that just lets you have some proper fun One that doesn t have scammers sex workers just people Must be a massive market opportunity
Katie Lynne
1 year ago
BIGOTS THEY Call LGBTQ users a Security Risk
BIGOTS DO NOT SUPPORT THESE ARROGANT MANIPULATIVE CREEPS BLATANT Discrimination Was banned DURING ACCT CREATION when I selected I was a lesbian Never used the app before and it gives this asinine sounding message when you break the rules you will be discovered and bend and this is your story well it s clearly not my story as I have never used this app nor have I broken any rules Edit DO NOT be fooled by their claim that they were going to get back to me they did not fix it and they are actively discriminating against LGBTQ users They will claim publicly to be Getting this resolved for you and to Watch for their email when you call them out in Google Play then the reply they give is the same as the initial problem but now claiming it s for safety implying you have done something wrong resolving nothing which means they are not only Bigots but they can t even do that honestly so they re liars on top of that It is impossible to have broken the rules or the terms of service of a service that you were never allowed to finish signing up for simply because of what I chose under Sexual orientation If they think me being a lesbian is a threat to anyone s security they have no business profiting off a dating app in 2022 Hate Groups are illegal which is why they should be banned from all platforms I will be reaching out to Google and Apple regarding their app store listings and their hosting provider regarding this illegal conduct as well They are not above the law and I m sure those companies won t be pleased about Pure App using their platforms in a discriminatory hateful illegal manner
David Hawkins
1 year ago
Don t join waste of money and time The
Been a member for a few months The ratio men to women is Ridiculous l have signed up for a year l think my chances of meeting anyone are zero l get girls trying to scam me every few days l can t prove it but l am sure a very lot of girls are under age If you want endless chat with someone and no chance of ever meeting them this is the site for you
Patrick Creed
1 year ago
A complete waist of time I would not
A complete waist of time I would not recommend this app
1 year ago
The girls talking to you on that app are all fake You will never meet someone on this app don t download it
Tabea Trendler
1 year ago
Lots of fake profiles
Lots of fake profiles and you have to pay for them too That seems to be the concept
1 year ago
Fake Profiles
I tried PURE few 4-5 times Simply Put fake profiles
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