
Sightsavers Reviews

23 Reviews and Ratings

















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6 days ago

CEO on around 200 000 for running a charity

Recently signed up to give 3 per month to Sightsavers as one of a number of charities I give to However I have since seen the exorbitant eye-watering salary of the CEO Caroline Harper at nearly 168 000 pa in 2023 so probably hovering around 200 000 now - and this excludes the employer pension contributions An astonishing amount for someone running a charity I will be cancelling the direct debit and will add the 3 to my monthly donation to my local hospice


Kevin Rayment


6 days ago

Just watched an advert for sightsavers

Just watched an advert for sightsavers on tv they are asking for Just 72 Are they not aware of how people are struggling to put food in their children s bellies these charities are now becoming a joke by saying how much they want you to give 72 HAS NOW TAKEN THE CAKE the CEO of this questionable charity was paid 167 thousand pounds in 2023 Perhaps he can pay 72 on my behalf look online and you will find that this so called charity has been plagued by controversies


Ingrid NorthLondon


6 days ago

Sightsavers deliberately disguise the truth

The Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind or Sightsavers to you and me targets an old-fashioned underbelly in society with 50s inspired TV adverts based on human zoo type images of Black children They say they are global I say prove it


Mr P Frank


6 days ago

It felt like a scam

I clicked on a QR code on a leaflet that came through my door Asking for support for the blind I then opted to donate 25 on a one off basis filled in my credit card details and expected a confirmation but instead was taken to another page trying to sign me up to something else At which point I quit only to get an SMS from my bank suggestion this might be a fraudulent transaction I got in touch with the bank and fortunately the transaction had not gone through Shame as the cause in the leaflet seemed genuine and worthwhile


Tina Dowle


6 days ago

money money thats AlL they care about

I was wondering how much of the over 140 000 the co earns do they give to helping save the sight of poor children or do they use the money for a wondetfull life not givinga care for the poor children please keep giving them your money like I used to so they can have a wonderfull life style not caring for anyone but thenselfs ya it s a wonderfullife if your a charity worker Can you explained yourself greedy selfish I m wait for your response greedy people


Sophie Roberts


6 days ago

Just seen a sightsavers advert

Just seen a sightsavers advert featuring 2 year old Enoch who needs surgery This ad has been on tv for years so Enoch must be about 12 years old now I would hope he has had his surgery to correct his sight and it would actually be nice to see his success story Instead sightsavers are still using the same child surely this shouldn t be allowed and is falsely asking for donations


Phantom Reviewer


6 days ago

Absolutely disgusting charity

Absolutely disgusting charity business The proceeds keep the executive staff in a lifestyle and they have never even interacted with a third world child let alone met anyone with trichoma A CEO on a salary of 140k and they have the nerve to ask public on the bread line for money during a time the cost of living has risen and people are struggling Channel 4 should be ashamed of itself advertising for charities like this I have opened a petition in Parliament please sign this to eliminate these companies


Samantha Kirby


6 days ago

Hi I just seen the advert with Lebasa

Hi I just seen the advert with Lebasa the little boy he is about 2 or 3 in it but I have to say that the advert as been out for years he has got to be about 7 or 8 now I think u need to improve ur adverts before i send any money to help it s unfair for people Thank you




6 days ago

I wanted to donate to sightsavers

I wanted to donate to sightsavers I have no experience with sightsavers I am very disappointed with the quality of reviews This is meant to be a review of the organisation instead it seems to be a rant from people who know little or nothing about the organisation Therefore I am none the wiser


Lewis Berryman


6 days ago

I think the commercial is disgusting

I think the commercial is disgusting first of all it s old 9 years and for them to think it s ok to put something on their face to attract flys is horrible Instead of helping themselves they just film 2 a month isn t going to the children it s going towards advertising production and crew


About Sightsavers

Sightsavers | We start with sight, but we don’t stop there

Sightsavers is an international charity working to prevent avoidable blindness, fight disease and support equality for women, girls and people with disabilities.

United States

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