Reviews are labeled verified when a company automatically invites people to write a review using Trustpilot’s supported invitation methods.
1 year ago
Now on my 4th unwarranted suspension
Now on my 4th unwarranted suspension and they refuse to acknowledge what is wrong with their software And when email sent days even weeks go by and no one responds and when they do there is no explanation Chat works sometimes other times not Whole system compared to what is otherwise available child s play
1 year ago
Agree with other commentors not a good site Indiscrminate suspension of paid membership Also discovered that private chats are not private but are monitored so beware you may think you and another are doing your thing privately but apparently not For a site that supposedly supports LBGIT etc community seems SQUIRT is as phobic str8 as they come
1 year ago
Squirt org logo showing on bank statements
Squirt state that you can have anonymity via bank statements displaying transactions as being with Pressnet However now with some banks the black and red Squirt org logo appears on the statement While not an issue with me as I m not in a relationship I still prefer to keep my private life to myself But for Bi guys in a relationship this could have serious consequences I have contacted Squirt via the web site pointing this out and have received no reply So just be warned if you want privacy or anonymity you are not likely to get it on Squirt org
Sean P
1 year ago
Hypocritical bullies
Hypocritical bullies I posted a comment in the cruise section on being assaulted at steamworks bath Vancouver They deleted my comment and banned me from commenting After their initial response proving I have not violated any of their policy guidelines they have since ghosted me Won t respond at all Meanwhile steam works posted a comment promoting their event for pride Business gain and soliciting commercial services is a blatant violation of their policy guideline So I reported to squirt The action they took was to keep steamworks post and deleted mine They are certainly not supporting the freedom of speech as they preach
1 year ago
This site is a joke LOL i didnt even
This site is a joke LOL i didnt even get to log in cause the login doesnt work lol and i tell them this and there all over me like a wet blanket telling me THE ONE JOINING THERE SITE that in being abusive by saying this LOL R U KIDDING ID NEVER JOIN THIS HOLE OF A SITE AND DEFINITELY WOULD NEVER EVERRRRRR GIVE THEM MY MONEY LOL
Lee Bolton
1 year ago
Worst website deserves minus 12
Worst website deserves minus 12 stars Post outdated cruising areas in the UK most of then are none existent now Full of fake accounts Fabulous pictures of hot men but the pictures are very old Guys lying about ages lots using fake pics Meets are practically none existent Abusive bully guys who they do nothing about
1 year ago
Squirt org actively and knowingly
Squirt org actively and knowingly condones the fake profiles pics and cruising places They also allow promotion of unsafe sex and drug use When a fake profile using a stolen pic is reported along with the link to the website it was stolen from they don t act upon it allowing the profile to remain Obvious false reviews on businesses and hook-up sites are usually extremely misleading and never removed They have a zero safety protocol for the members It s all about money and nothing more
Joel Innes
1 year ago
Do Not use this site
Do Not use this site Something is majorly wrong when a hookup site refuses to let you delete your profile I sent a message to customer service telling them I wanted my account deleted and they responded with a boiler plate email that didn t even address my concern Now I m completely locked out of my account and the password reset button doesn t send any email to me to change it And without paying a monthly fee you can t access pictures of other members so it s basically useless
drew drew
1 year ago
incompetent admins
incompetent admins who are running the site with their copy and paste responses been a member since day1 my email got hacked thus i had to cancel it emailed the site and cancelled my account confirmed and began a new account with new email they suspended my account then permanently banned me for having another account and accuses me trying to steal 5days free of unlimited access for new members seriously it s shockingly sad and incompetent that the admins do not understand a simple email
1 year ago
Didn t even got started
Didn t even got started Account suspended for no obvious reason Tried to log on Kept referring to an email address Wrote to them asking for an explanation Got an automated response with self-help guidance Apparently I breached their terms and conditions Have no idea how Since I can t nor was I able to login Poor service infuriating response Belong to other sites just wanted to see what they offered Now I know Rubbish non starter Glad that I didn t become a paying customer Perhaps a lucky escape judging from the comments on here Don t waste your time with a waste of time site
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