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Adam Farguson
1 year ago
WGU offers a go at your pace program
WGU offers a go at your pace program that is challenging and requires a determined mind If you feel you have mastered a subject you are given the option to complete a class quickly No waiting for the end of a semester to finish a class There is nothing more rewarding then being able to accelerate through a class and move on to the next class at your pace on your time The mentor program is also a huge reason to choose WGU Your mentor is a guide coach therapist and friend that has your best interest at heart and is there to give you the push you need to keep going
Christina Miller
1 year ago
I had a great enrollment and course
I had a great enrollment and course mentors I was to get my Masters completed in one term The instructors were very helpful I completed the Learning Experience Design and Educational Technology program which was new There were some bumps in the road but the course is good and I would not have been able to afford to get my degree going to a regular program I would recommend WGU if you are self motivated
1 year ago
WGU offers you a lot of help on the school journey
I recently graduated from WGU with a Bachelor s in Accounting I really love WGU My mentor was wonderful and kept me motivated and feeling like I was doing well The instructors were always right there to help when needed There are extra helps like the writing center and math help I really appreciate the way this school values it s faculty and students Very impressive
Boise ID
1 year ago
The Best
A personal mentor made all of the difference for me Access to professors that were eager to help The ability to work at my own pace applicable course content rather than feeling as if I were just jumping through a hoop to pass a class Fantastic program
Nancy Petersen
1 year ago
Perfect for Dyslexia and ADD
I love that I just work on one class at a time and that it s all online I m able to work on my schoolwork wherever I am I love having a program mentor to help me whenever I need assistance I was diagnosed recently with ADD and dyslexia and being able to have my computer read everything to me has been very helpful Being in a classroom setting never worked so well with my ADD If I didn t really pay attention to a video that I needed to watch for a class I had the option of replaying that video whereas I could not do that in a classroom setting
Luke Skipper
1 year ago
Flexible and affordable
Flexible and affordable As I ve worked in the industry I got my major in for a number of years the competency based model allowed me to get a degree in something that i had the knowledge for easily and on my own time Condensed 4 years of college into 7 months
Aleysha Proctor
1 year ago
I felt like I received the best of both
I felt like I received the best of both worlds with my WGU experience The coursework was thorough and interesting without having to spend multiple years at a brick mortar school waiting for the next semester to begin end in order to complete your degree WGU s self-paced competency format was a game changer for me
Ashley Prieto
1 year ago
Masters in 6 months
My program mentor was available to help My course instructors were helpful if I had questions It was a great experience overall WGU helped me accomplish my dream of a Master s degree at my own pace and on my own time This was helpful for a full time working mom who has children in many sporting events Thank you WGU
Ruby Kim-Perez
1 year ago
So far my experience has been pleasant My enrollment counselor Amy has been great and informative throughout the process
Elizabeth Davis
1 year ago
Multiple reasons why I chose and would recommend WGU
I like how there is a flat rate for each semester Then you can accelerate through your classes at your own speed Also having a program mentor to keep you encouraged and motivated Is very helpful The course instructors were always willing to help and very available They were kind and responded promptly Loved that
Western Governors University is an online university where you can earn an affordable, accredited, career-focused college degree at an accelerated pace.
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